Some of our questions and answers

This is a short list of some questions and answers. Type one or more keywords above to find what your are looking for.


My VAT number is FR86838143592

I'm a freelance in France so as a very small business I don't pay the VAT (Article 293 B of french tax law). If you check the price you will see that there is no VAT or tax included in it. 

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

These fake users are created by Page Cache Ultimate to anonymize the cache (new method). You must not delete them (they will be created again).

There will not have a lot of these fake users, probably less than 5, it depends on the number of groups and the differences in display between them.

They are not active so they will not disturb your statistics.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

If you have an Anvato theme, here is what to do to avoid the cart to open each time it is refreshed.

Copy the file /modules/an_theme/views/js/sidebarcart.js in your theme so you can continue to update it without loosing modifications, in /themes/<your_theme>/modules/an_theme/views/js (create folders if needed)

In this file, replace the ligne:

if ( != 'cart' && != 'checkout') {


if ( != 'cart' && != 'checkout' && requestData.action!='refresh') {

Then clear the cache in Performances page and the cache of your browser so you can test.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

If your theme uses the tag "widgetblock" as Warehouse theme does, then you need to clear the cache in Performances page after you enable Page Cache so the template is compiled again.

Page Cache Ultimate

All our modules can run on LiteSpeed Web Server since it supports the Apache .htaccess file.

However, the HTML cache feature (Page Cache Ultimate) is not compatible with the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin since they are both working on the same layer of cache.

Which one should you choose?

LiteSpeed Cache is a generic cache which does not handle all different contexts of Prestashop. Which taxes are applied? Is there a flash sale comming up? Should I display a different content for this user because he belongs to a specific user group? Did this visitor accept cookies? etc.

Page Cache Ultimate has been created for Prestashop and it is only dedicated to this platform, it handles all different contexts and can also upgrade fast if a new Prestashop feature is out.

WebP JPresta Speed Pack

If you are using Nginx, then make sure your configuration is as follow:

Nginx configuration for Speed Pack module

"Proxy mode" must be ON, other options must be OFF.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

If you are using the PageSpeed Apache module developped by Google (x-mod-pagespeed) then you must disable the following option so it does not override the browser cache directives added by Page Cache:

<IfModule pagespeed_module>
ModPagespeedModifyCachingHeaders off
Billing JPresta Cache Warmer

You can find your invoice in your JPresta account in the "Order history and details" menu.

If you don't see it make sure you registered an address in your account so the invoice can be generated.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

No, it is highly recommended to keep the Smarty cache enabled. This will speed up pages that are not cached and also pages where the cache is not yet generated.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

To get your styles back you just need to clear the cache of "Page Cache Ultimate".

To avoid this issue you can go in "Advanced mode", in the configuration of "Page Cache Ultimate", then in "Cache key" enable "Insert CSS and JS version in cache key".

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

To avoid the cookie notice to appear 1 second, then disappear, you must override the javascript file of the iqitcookielaw module.

To do it, create a file with the following content:

$(document).ready(function () {
 if (getCookie('cookielaw_module') != 1) {
 $("#iqitcookielaw-accept").click(function (event) {

function setcook() {
 var name = 'cookielaw_module';
 var value = '1';
 var today = new Date();
 var expire = new Date();
 expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000 * 24 * 14);
 document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ";path=/;" + ((expire == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expire.toGMTString()))

function getCookie(cname) {
 var name = cname + "=";
 var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
 for (var i = 0; i != ca.length; i++) {
  var c = ca[i];
  while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1);
  if (c.indexOf(name) != -1) return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
 return "";

And place it in the theme (or child theme if you have one): /themes/warehouse/modules/iqitcookielaw/views/js/front.js

Then clear the cache in the Performances page.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

When the cache is created, the page is anonymized, that means it is displayed without any information about the visitor displaying the page.

Modules that display content relative to the current visitor can be marked as dynamic, that means the content will be refreshed (replaced) by a background request (Ajax) in the browser that will carry the context of the current visitor.

If you check the option "Display nothing in cache" then the module will not be called to display its content in this hook during the creation of the cache. However, the content will be displayed as other dynamic modules (with a background request (Ajax)).

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

If the products list is reloaded each time you display a page with a products list then you can fix this by modifying the file /warehouse/modules/ps_shoppingcart/ps_shoppingcart.js as follow:

How to fix warehouse theme

Replace this line:

prestashop.emit('updateFacets', window.location.href);


if (event.reason && event.reason.linkAction != 'refresh') {
    prestashop.emit('updateFacets', window.location.href);
Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

Update your "Cookies - GDPR Cookie law (block before consent)" module to version 1.5.6 minimum.

Update "Page Cache Ultimate" to version 7.9.39 minimum for full compatibility with the cookiesplus module.

For Prestashop 1.7

  1. Disable the 2 modules (this also works if they are not yet installed)
  2. In the file /modules/cookiesplus/override_17/classes/Hook.php rename the coreCallHook function to coreCallHook_off and the coreRenderWidget function to coreRenderWidget_off (in fact, Page Cache Ultimate will execute the appropriate processing if the cookiesplus module is activated).
  3. You can reactivate (or install) the 2 modules.
WebP JPresta Speed Pack

If, after installing the module, some images on your store, such as the logo, CMS page images, back office images, etc., no longer display, it's likely due to a .htaccess file in the /img and /img/cms directories. This file blocks all PHP scripts, even if it's just a redirection (the script isn't actually in this directory).

To fix this issue, you need to add an exception for our webp.php converter as follows:

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
    php_flag engine off

# Enable PHP only for webp.php (Speed Pack) <Files "webp.php"> php_flag engine on </Files> </IfModule> # Apache 2.2 <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> Order deny,allow Deny from all <Files ~ "webp.php|(?i)^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|tiff|svg|pdf|mov|mpeg|mp4|avi|mpg|wma|flv|webm|ico|webp)$"> Allow from all </Files> </IfModule> # Apache 2.4 <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all denied <Files ~ "webp.php|(?i)^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|tiff|svg|pdf|mov|mpeg|mp4|avi|mpg|wma|flv|webm|ico|webp)$">
        Require all granted

Or for /img/cms/.htaccess

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
    php_flag engine off

    # Enable PHP only for webp.php (Speed Pack)
    <Files "webp.php">
        php_flag engine on

# Enable webp.php (Speed Pack)
<Files "webp.php">
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

deny from all
<Files ~ "(?i)^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|tiff|svg|pdf|mov|mpeg|mp4|avi|mpg|wma|flv|webm|webp)$">
	order deny,allow
	allow from all

Modifications done in a module, in the theme, in CSS or in Javascript cannot be automatically detected so you need to clear the cache to see the changes.

There are 3 ways to clear the cache

  1. In the configuration of the module "Page Cache Ultimate", go in "Statistics" menu. You can filter pages that are concerned by your modifications. Then click on the button "Clear cache" at the bottom of the table.
  2. Click on the button "Clear cache" in the configuration of the module "Page Cache Ultimate" on top and right of the screen, this will clear the cache all pages.
  3. Use the URL that you will find in the "API" menu in the configuration of the module "Page Cache Ultimate"
Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

In the configuration of the shopping cart, in section "Add to Cart Action", disable the option "Open the cart".

Creative Element - shopping cart options

JPresta Origin

If you are using the module "SuperTinyMCE PRO" developed by Liewebs then you must add an exception in the configuration of this module for the controller "JprestaThemeConfiguratorLive". Also make sure to have at least version 1.2.2 of module "JPresta - Theme Configurator".

WebP JPresta Speed Pack

Yes, all images of your shop will be automatically converted into the WEBP format. Even images from CMS or other modules like blog.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

This is normal, when the cache is not available the display is as slow as without the cache.

You should only empty the cache when necessary (CSS or Javascript modification, for templates choose the option "Recompile template files if they have been updated" in the "Performance" page).

WebP JPresta Speed Pack

YES you still need a WEBP module for Prestashop! Because the feature has a bug in PS 8.0. It should be fixed in PS 8.1 but I will check this as soon as it is released because I don't know if JPG images will be displayed to browsers that cannot read WEBP format like Safari (iPhone).

WebP JPresta Speed Pack

This has been very tricky to find a configuration that works fine. I'm not expert in the configuration of nginx so I guess there is an other way of doing it. If you want to improve this configuration then contact me, I will be happy to update this post to help other people!

Here is my solution (be kind).

Before the section "server", place this code:

map $http_accept $webp_enable {
	default 0;
	"~*webp" 1;

It will tell us if the browser of the visitor can read WEBP images.

You probably have multiple lines of "rewrite" for all images, place the following code just before it:

# Jpresta Speedpack
if ($webp_enable = 1) {
	# Rewrite images URL using a specific extension ".webp_compressor" so we can have specific rules to compress the image/svg
	# if the webp file is not already created.
	rewrite "^/c/([0-9]+)(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)/(.*)\.jpg$" /img/c/$1$2.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/c/([_a-zA-Z-]+)/(.*)\.jpg$" /img/c/$1.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/([0-9])(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?/(\P{M}\p{M}*)*\.jpg$" /img/p/$1/$1$2.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/([0-9])([0-9])(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?/(\P{M}\p{M}*)*\.jpg$" /img/p/$1/$2/$1$2$3.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?/(\P{M}\p{M}*)*\.jpg$" /img/p/$1/$2/$3/$1$2$3$4.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?/(\P{M}\p{M}*)*\.jpg$" /img/p/$1/$2/$3/$4/$1$2$3$4$5.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?/(\P{M}\p{M}*)*\.jpg$" /img/p/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$1$2$3$4$5$6.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?/(\P{M}\p{M}*)*\.jpg$" /img/p/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$6/$1$2$3$4$5$6$7.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?/(\P{M}\p{M}*)*\.jpg$" /img/p/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$6/$7/$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8.webp_compressor last;
	rewrite "^/([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])([0-9])(\-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?/(\P{M}\p{M}*)*\.jpg$" /img/p/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$6/$7/$8/$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9.webp_compressor last;  
	# all other images
	rewrite "^(.+)\.jpg$" $1.webp_compressor last;   

location ~* ^(.+)\.webp_compressor$ {
	# Indicates to proxies that the file content/format depends (Vary) on the "Accept" header
	add_header Vary Accept;

	# Indicates to proxies that the file can be cached for the max duration
	add_header Pragma public;
	add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
	expires max;

	# Indicates to nginx not to log access
	access_log off;
	log_not_found off;

	# Try to serve the WEBP file directly or compress the image
	set $url_webp_compressor "/modules/jprestaspeedpack/controllers/front/webp.php?src=$1.jpg";
	try_files $1.webp $url_webp_compressor;

WARNING: if you are using the standalone WEBP compression module then you must replace 'jprestaspeedpack' by 'jprestawebp'.

Contact me if you need help or if you can improve the script!

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

If the currency selection list does not work anymore, check these 2 options:

The option "Ignore URLs matching this regex" must include ".*SubmitCurrency=1.*", e.g. ".*[\?&]q=.*|.*SubmitCurrency=1.*"

The option "Ignored URL parameters" should not include "submitcurrency,id_currency"

You may also want to disable the browser cache, because if the visitor changes the currency after displaying several pages, if they return to these pages, the original currency will be displayed.

Don't forget to clear the module and browser cache after these changes.

JPresta Cache Warmer
Unable to get cache-warmer informations from the shop (maybe the module is disabled or uninstalled): Read timed out

If you see this error in the log of the cache-wamer, that means there is a timeout when the cache-warmer retrieves the pages to warm up. To avoid this timeout, in the configuration of Page Cache Ultimate, click on "Advanced mode", then in the menu on "Options" and set a lower value for "Max execution time in seconds".

WebP JPresta Speed Pack

​Yes, browsers that cannot read WEBP format will get the original format (JPG/PNG).

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

When you modify a product, a category, a CMS page, a price, the stock, etc. the cache is automatically refreshed.

When you add, delete or modify a module, then you need to clear the cache manually because this cannot be automatically detected. For exemple, when you modify the slider of the home page.

When you modify the CSS or a template of your theme, then you need to clear the cache manually because this cannot be automatically detected.

When you synchronize or modify your catalog, your prices and/or your stocks using an external application, you will probably need to clear the cache manually or with a script because hooks of Prestashop are not executed.

To clear the cache of specific pages, you can use the CRON/API URLs that you will find in the "API" menu in the configuration of Page Cache Ultimate. You can also use the statistics table to filter pages that you want to refresh, then click on button "Clear cache (only files)".

Also be aware that the browser cache cannot be cleared, this is why it is limited in time.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

This happens because the sign in link is loaded dynamically and so the "back" parameter which referers to the current URL is set with the URL of the dynamic modules.

To avoid this problem, go in the configuration of Page Cache Ultimate, in menu "Dynamic modules and widgets", at the bottom add the following javascript code to the field "Javascript to execute":

if (!prestashop_pc.customer.is_logged) {
  $('header a').each(function() {
    $(this).attr('href').replace('ajax%3Dtrue', '').replace('page_cache_dynamics_mods%3D=1', '')

Clear the cache and it should fix the problem.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

​These directories are created when the cache cannot be fully deleted in PHP because it's too long and will failed with a timed out error. So instead of deleting the cache directory, it is simply renamed with this suffix.

You can delete all these directories with suffix please_delete_me but I recommend to do it directly in a server console because it will be too long to do it by FTP.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

These hooks are for developers of modules, contact the support if you need help.

Here is an exemple of how to implement the hooks' functions:

     * Called each time a page is displayed so this must remain very fast!
     * @param $params Empty array
     * @return mixed The datas you will need in hookActionJPrestaRestoreSpecificCacheKeyInfos()
    public function hookActionJPrestaGetSpecificCacheKeyInfos($params) {
        // Let's say that the cookie 'test' modify the content of the page, we indicates to the cache manager
        // to generate a cache key that depends on the value of this cookie
        return $_COOKIE['test'];

     * This function is called by Page Cache Ultimate when the cache-warmer service want to generate the cache of a
     * specific context. In this case we must restore the context so the content is the good one.
     * @param $params $params['specifics'] contains the datas returned by the hook 'ActionJPrestaGetSpecificCacheKeyInfos'
    public function hookActionJPrestaRestoreSpecificCacheKeyInfos($params)
        // Here we will just modify the $_COOKIE value, we don't need to send the cookie to the browser with function
        // setcookie, we just want the remaining PHP code to execute to get the correct value of the cookie.
        $_COOKIE['test'] = $params['specifics'];
JPresta Cache Warmer

Warmup duration depends on 3 factors:

  • The number of pages to generate: the first warmups generally contain a lot of pages, which is normal, and this number will decrease with each warmup
  • The maximum number of bots you've defined: this is 30 by default, but you can reduce it to 5 bots to lighten the server load, but this obviously extends the time of each warmup
  • Page TTFB without cache: if server response time is long without cache (> 3s), you may need to analyze Prestashop's slowness
JPresta Cache Warmer

Cache-warmer bots are probably considered as SPAM bots by your hosting provider. To make it work, you need to indicates in the settings of your hosting provider that the user-agent "JPresta-Cache-Warmer" is allowed.

JPresta Cache Warmer

Compared to the number of products and categories you have, you didn't think you'd have so many pages to generate, and that's normal!

The cache-warmer will generate the pages of your Prestashop store in different contexts. For example, you'll have one context for cell phones, another for computers, one for visitors and another for connected customers, and so on.

So the number of pages is multiplied by the number of contexts.

JPresta Cache Warmer

If your subscription includes only one warmup, then yes, you can specify the time of the warmup.

If your subscription package includes several warmups, then you can specify the start time of the first warmup, and subsequent warmups will be run at regular intervals.

JPresta Cache Warmer

JPresta-Cache-Warmer uses Amazon servers (AWS) to ensure a stable and efficient service regardless of the number of subscribers. 

If you want cache-warmer robots not to be banned by your hosting provider then you must authorize requests from the following IPS : and

JPresta Cache Warmer

When using native Prestashop statistics, to avoid the cache-warmer to be included into the statistics just add this override in /override/classes/Connection.php:

class Connection extends ConnectionCore
  public static function setNewConnection($cookie)
      if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])
          && preg_match('/JPresta-Cache-Warmer/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
          // This is the cache-warmer : don't log connection
          return false;
return parent::setNewConnection($cookie);

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

The Creative Elements module allows you to edit parts of your store with links/buttons displayed directly on your shop when you are logged into your Prestashop admin. To preserve this functionality, the cache is deactivated with the reason "editing-with-creative-element". Rest assured, your visitors do benefit from the cache, it's only users connected to the admin who have no cache. To get the cache, simply display the store in a private tab of your browser.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

The first thing to do is to make sure you have the latest version of the module, as I'm constantly improving it to reduce memory consumption, both on the database side and on the hard disk.

The second thing is to run a purge periodically (every 2 or 3 days). A purge removes the cache of pages that no longer exist or whose context no longer exists. This does not affect cache performance. You can perform a purge manually via a button under the cache statistics table, or by scheduling a CRON task with the URL displayed in the "API (CRON URLs)" menu of the module configuration.

Finally, if there are directories in /var/cache/pagecache ending in "please_delete_me", you can delete them. These are old caches that PHP was unable to delete completely (too long).

Page Cache Ultimate

When you try to install Page Cache Ultimate you get the error message "This file does not appear to be a valid module .zip file"? This is normal, as the zip file contains several zips that allow you to install this module depending on your Prestashop version: PS-1.5/1.6, PS1.7/8 and Thirtybees.

You'll need to extract and install the appropriate zip for your store.

WebP JPresta Speed Pack

The module does not call the Hook which allows the update.

You must modify the imageResize() function in the /modules/prestablog/prestablog.php file:

Replace this

         return ImageManager::write('jpg', $dest_image, $file_after);

By this

         $ret = ImageManager::write('jpg', $dest_image, $file_after);

         Hook::exec('actionOnImageResizeAfter', ['dst_file' => $file_after, 'file_type' => 'jpg']);

         return $ret;

​​Afterwards your images will be updated.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

Static caching can only be used if the visitor's context is known. The context contains a great deal of information that cannot be deduced from the URL alone: currency, user groups, choice of cookies, taxes to be applied, etc. This context is stored in a cookie called "jpresta_cache_context".

This context is stored in a cookie named "jpresta_cache_context", which is added when the user displays a 1st page. Once the cookie is present, the static cache can be used.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

Go in the configuration of the module, in menu "Caching system" make sure "Prestashop Static!" is selected. If it is already selected, then select "Standard file system" and save, after that select "Prestashop Static!" and save again. This will reactivate the static cache.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

The "customer-specific-prices" message means that you're connected to a user who has specific pricing rules, so there's no need to create a cache as only he will be able to benefit from them. It's better to create groups of users and create pricing rules for these groups.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

Perhaps you're simulating a phone screen using the console of your browser, which explains why you're seeing this mobile view despite having a desktop screen.

This occurs because a cookie called 'jpresta_cache_context' stores the visitor's context in the browser. This context includes information about whether the view is 'mobile' or 'desktop'. Therefore, if you initially view pages in desktop mode and then switch to mobile mode, the cache will continue to deliver the desktop view.

If you wish to test the mobile view using the console of your browser, ensure you delete the 'jpresta_cache_context' cookie beforehand.

WebP JPresta Speed Pack

No, our module is designed to convert JPG/PNG images to WEBP format. It is recommended to import images as JPG due to compatibility issues with certain browsers that cannot load WEBP files. Additionally, using JPG as original images ensures better quality since Prestashop creates multiple formats and sizes of images based on the original, emphasizing the need for good-quality originals.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

If you are using the module "Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce" created by "Comptoir du code" then make sure to get the latest version of the module and enable the specific option for use with full page cache modules.

Google Tag Manager

In any case you don't need to mark Google Tag Manager modules as dynamic.

JPresta Speed Pack

The scores calculated by Pagespeed and GTMetrix include a very large number of parameters whose importance varies depending on whether you are on a mobile phone or a computer.

The Prestashop Speed ​​Pack module allows you to correct the following points reported by Pagespeed Insight or GT Metrix:

  • Reduce server response times (TTFB)
  • Defer off-screen images
  • Serving images in next-generation formats

Other parameters like LCP cannot be corrected by a module. For example, this LCP indicates the display delay of the largest element displayed first; it is often degraded by the use of a carousel which displays images in lazy loading or because the javascript code which initializes it is too slow. This kind of problem can only be fixed manually.

Also, to be sure that the score calculation was done with an available cache, run it twice.

I invite you to read my article to fully understand this Pagespeed score for Prestashop .

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

When you validate the configuration steps, make sure to run the auto-configuration at step 4. This configures the Page Cache Ultimate module for all known modules like the shopping cart. You should rely on this auto-configuration and only do manual modifications when something does not work as usual when the cache is enabled.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

The score calculated by Pagespeed and GTMetrix include a very large number of parameters whose importance varies depending on whether you are on a mobile phone or a computer.

The Prestashop Speed Pack module allows you to correct the following points reported by Pagespeed Insight or GT Metrix:

  • Reduce server response times/TTFB  (Page Cache Ultimate)
  • Serving images in next-generation formats (WEBP compression of images)
  • Defer off-screen images (lazy loading of images)

Other parameters like the LCP cannot be corrected by a module. For example, this LCP indicates the display delay of the largest element displayed first; it is often degraded by the use of a carousel which displays images using a lazy-loading system or because the javascript code which initializes it is too slow. This kind of problem can only be fixed manually.

Also, to be sure that the score calculation was done with an available cache, run it twice.

I invite you to read my article Understand and improve the Pagespeed score of your Prestashop store  

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

A page can have multiple cache versions depending on the context of the visitor. This context includes information such as the selected currency, the user's group, the visitor's preferences concerning cookies, applicable tax rules for the visitor, the visitor's country if relevant, and more. Therefore, you might not receive a cached page when you display a page because your context is different.

Page Cache Ultimate JPresta Speed Pack

Modules like "Creative Slider" use short codes to make it easy to display contents. This is usually done in the hook "actionOutputHTMLBefore" so just make sure that the cache module is placed after all modules in this hook. Go in "Design" > "Positions", check the option "Display non-positionable hooks", search for the hook "actionOutputHTMLBefore" and move Page Cache Ultimate or Speed Pack module to the end.

​Once done you need to clear the cache.