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Prestashop themes
Prestashop themes optimized for speed and SEO. Our templates have very good Google Pagespeed Insight and GT Metrix scores, we are constantly testing them to preserve or improve these optimizations and thus have the fastest Prestashop themes.
Our products in category Prestashop themes
All our themes have the same base which allows for really different styles and customizations. You can easily customize our Prestashop theme to your brand colors and style.
Besides being a performance optimized Prestashop theme, it is also an SEO optimized theme. For example, with a native Prestashop, it is not possible to add text after the product list of a category. However, this kind of technique is crucial to optimize SEO, because the links to the products are then integrated in the content of the page and not at the end, which improves their quality. With our theme it is possible, as I do here!
You can also edit Smarty templates directly on the store, the theme will save your changes directly in the child theme so you can continue to update it without losing your changes.
Finally, our Prestashop theme is easy to update. With our JPresta Easy Upgrade module you will be able to upgrade your modules and Prestashop theme in 1 click! No need for a complicated manual procedure, everything is done automatically. And as the use of the child theme is automatic you will not lose your customizations!