Modules and themes for a high performance Prestashop

Your Prestashop is slow , your online store has a poor Google Pagespeed Insight score, you want to optimize the loading time of Prestashop? It is to solve these issues that I have developed a whole series of optimization modules as well as a theme designed taking into account the new Core Web Vitals initiated by Google. My goal ? To offer you a complete solution to improve the loading time of your PrestaShop.

Your users will finally be able to browse your store smoothly, without getting frustrated with slow pages. Plus, it will also improve your SEO ranking!

Speed Pack, the all-in-one module to speed up your Prestashop!

Prestashop modules
Speed Pack (Page Cache Ultimate + WEBP + SQL Profiling + Database cleaning)
  • -5%
The complete pack to optimize the performances of your PrestaShop, identify the slowdowns (admin and boutique), and improve your Google PageSpeed/GTMetrix score :

  • The famous and effective module "Page Cache Ultimate" with PrestaShop Static to improve your TTFB (time to first byte).
  • The instant compression of all the images of your store in WEBP format. Always necessary with PS8 and so important for mobiles!
  • A SQL profiler to identify slow queries in the backoffice (admin) and store, which you can even activate on your production site.
  • Cleaning and optimization of the database to keep it light and fast.
  • An assistance system allowing you to identify slow modules and which helps you to configure your PrestaShop well for better performances and increased speed.

All our features are designed to be very efficient while remaining simple to configure.

Our FAQ, constantly updated and maintained, will help you solve minor problems, and if needed, I will respond to your support requests within the day (business day).

How to improve Prestashop response times

Prestashop modules
Page Cache Ultimate
  • -5%
Page Cache Ultimate is our first module, the one with which everything started. Keen to offer sites with very fast page display we created this cache module to reduce TTFB, otherwise known as server response time for the HTML page.

The speed optimization found is on average 80% with our customers (1st byte response time or TTFB). 

With more than 8 years of experience and installed on more than 5000 stores the module benefits from an unmatched and indispensable know-how. Indeed, saving page content in files is simple, but managing all the contexts that can exist on a Prestashop store is very complex! Il y a des différences de contenu en fonction des groupes d'utilisateurs (anonymes, connectés, VIP), des taxes à appliquer, des données stockées dans les cookies internet (RGPD), des appareils (mobile, tablette, ordinateur), des langues, etc.

Since 2013 the PHP code (standard, no extension required) of Page Cache Ultimate has reached great maturity and stability. It works on any hosting, even shared. All essential features are provided and you can even attach the module to our Cache-warmer service. This is a paid service that allows you to crawl your site to generate page caches so that visitors never come across a page where the cache is not available.

An optimized and easy to use Prestashop theme

Prestashop themes
JPresta Origin
Since the vast majority of optimizations and Core Web Vitals to be implemented must be done in the theme, we developed our own!

Optimized for speed and SEO, JPresta Origin, and all its variations, is an easily configurable Prestashop theme and "developer friendly" meaning agencies love it. The PHP code and templates are clear, commented, easily customizable.

Don't spend hours finding configuration options anymore, they are accessible directly on your store with our online editing tool (no, it's not Elementor). Drag and drop modules/widgets, edit your templates in one click and view your changes live!

Our latest videos

SQL Profiler module
This Prestashop module is a tools to find slowness of your store. It profiles SQL queries executed in the shop and in the admin part. It will find why your Prestashop is slow in seconds and gives you tips to fix the problem! It has almost no impact on visitors so you can use it on a live shop.
Probably the best WEBP module for Prestashop
This Prestashop WEBP module compresses instantly ALL images of your shop, without long processing and without external subscription. Compatible with all browsers and CDNs. Dramatically reduces loading time, especially on mobile. Auto-configuration, just set the desired quality.
Page Cache Ultimate v8
This version 8 of the Prestashop Page Cache Ultimate module will considerably increase the speed of your Prestashop store! The response time of the server (TTFB) will drop below 200ms or even 100ms, it is close to the TTFB of a static file!